LIVE FREE: It’s the culmination of balancing the other 2 areas; “train hard” and “eat well”, but it’s also HOW we find our answers to them!

In order to live free, we must remove the weights that lay heavy on us…weights of fear, doubts, hang-ups, and more.  The nuts & bolts of eating and exercising is easy–managing them while holding to your priorities, stewarding your resources, & keeping a healthy life balance is the tough part.

I believe that when we read and apply truths from the Word of God–the most powerful health tool I have–that we find that freedom. We find how to transform our mind, how we should align our priorities, and get equipped to make it happen.

It’s My Blog’s 1st Birthday!!

It’s My Blog’s 1st Birthday!!

Today is my 1 year blogging anniversary!  The blog has taken up so much of my time but it has turned into a great passion of mine. There are days that I am itching to get to the computer to get my thoughts down or to share an experience that I've had. I could not have...

31.3 Jump (Week 2 Video)

31.3 Jump (Week 2 Video)

"Don't let the impossibility of the ideal keep you from doing something constructive." {Gary Thomas, "Pure Pleasure"} Remember to check-in with how you did LAST week! Do you need to adjust some of your goals? Feel free to! This is YOUR plan! It's mid-week of week 2 of...

{31.3 Jump} Week 2

{31.3 Jump} Week 2

Hey!! I am thrilled with the response I got last week from you guys! So glad you are on this journey with me! 1.) Have you detailed out your specific goals for 31.3 Jump? Be sure to join others on the message board with that info! 2.) It's time for our FIRST CHECK-IN!...

My goals for {31.3 Jump}

My goals for {31.3 Jump}

I told you I was part of this with you, so here are my goals for each of the 3 areas. Would you mind sharing yours? You can do it on the message board, below in the comments, or on facebook/twitter!! REMEMBER: We all have different end goals!! We are all in different...

31.3 Jump {Video Introduction}

31.3 Jump {Video Introduction}

Here is a video of me explaining a little more of 31.3 Jump! (I didn't mention but need to make clear, that you should have some sort of a plan of how you are going to accomplish 31.3. Each of you will have different guidelines and goals. Pray about it and them commit...

{Shed & Share Wednesdays} Jinka B.

{Shed & Share Wednesdays} Jinka B.

Today's Shed & Share Story is special! I am real life friends with the "sharer", Jinka! I met her about 3 years ago and we became fast friends! We both share a love of fitness, good food, encouraging women and our love for the Lord! (She even attends my fitness...

7 Misconceptions About Me {a fitblogger}

7 Misconceptions About Me {a fitblogger}

I've decided that I want to break some preconceived ideas about me in regards to health and fitness. I want to show you that I am just like you, I just happen to have a certification in fitness and a passion for sharing it with others. I've heard these 7...

“Every Body Matters” Giveaway WINNERS!!

“Every Body Matters” Giveaway WINNERS!!

We have our WINNERS of "Every Body Matters" giveaway!! (I used Lisa ( Desiree Sumner Indy ( Ladies, please contact me at with your addresses!! For those of you who didn't win a free...

Recipe: Santa’s Snack Mix

Recipe: Santa’s Snack Mix

I LOVE a good snack mix! You may be surprised that I'd eat something with M&M's, peanut butter chips and white chocolate chips, but I do!! I made this mix and put them into little goody bags for my Pilates class! They have final exams next week and I like to give...