5 Ways When Exercise Is More Than Just Exercise

5 Ways When Exercise Is More Than Just Exercise

Multi-tasking is such a double edged sword. I used to be much better and more efficient at it but ever since I’ve had my kids and the craziness factor has increased, I’m not as sharp as I used to be! However, I’m always looking for areas in my life...
New Move Monday: Shoulder Bridge Burners (Video)

New Move Monday: Shoulder Bridge Burners (Video)

Shoulder bridges are exercises that I use in my pilates classes all the time! We do them straight on the floor, on a small ball, and I even do them with medicine balls at the gym! Today, I’m demonstrating a way to use what you have in your home to feel the burn...
{Shed & Share Wednesdays} Maggie B.

{Shed & Share Wednesdays} Maggie B.

I’ve got another Shed & Share story for you that will make you want to go through the computer and hug her! Meet Maggie and see her awesome transformation!! (My Shed & Share links are acting weird, so be sure to search through all the stories!) {The...
Lower Back & Glute Strengthener: Video

Lower Back & Glute Strengthener: Video

The lower back and glutes are generally neglected in workouts but they are both such crucial areas for your posture and a strong body. I love incorporating the mini-ball into my routine to change things up a bit. Ready to get tight and toned on your backside? Come do...
My Real Life Workout Today: 6/18/12

My Real Life Workout Today: 6/18/12

No “New Move Monday” today. Instead I decided to give you another glimpse into my workout routine. I’m not sure if you wonder exactly what I do to exercise or not, but I know that I’m always curious what other people do for theirs! My workouts...