We are moving on to week 2 of “febYOUary“! How are you doing with your physical journaling? I am doing it with you and WHEW! IT has been a bit of an exhausting process! I have found that I eat a LOT during the day! LOL! It’s been good for me and I’m anxious to share with you what I learned through the process.

Remember–I’d love for you to keep doing week 1 for the rest of our time. 1 week isn’t the best indicator of a normal month for us, so the more info we can gain, the better off we are!

febYOUary Personality Assessment Week 2: www.claresmith.me

Let’s move on. This is where we get into some heavier things. This week will be a time of reflection. I ask that you find 10-30 minutes and grab a notebook, pen, drink of choice and a quiet spot. I’m going to take you through a set of 20 questions that I think will help each of us a little further in finding what works for us in regards to our health journey.

—–> Print off this printable !

Preview below!


I’d love to hear your thoughts as you process the week. Please add any comments below!