My Christmas Wish For You

My Christmas Wish For You

I wish I could tell you that eating cookies, candy and chips would have no affect on our bodies. But they do. I wish I could tell you that not moving our bodies and challenging our muscles would have no bearing on the scale. But it does. I wish that I could tell you...

“But what about the water bottle?”

It was late Wednesday night. We  just arrived to the Relevant conference. 7 hours of travel. We were excited, nervous, and tired! We were sitting around a table and I figured it was a perfect time for a photo op. So I set up my camera and self-timer, gathered everyone...
Relevant ’11: Real. Intentional. Blogging

Relevant ’11: Real. Intentional. Blogging

I just returned from a 4 day trip to the Relevant conference. Those 3 words in the title: Real. Intentional. Blogging….explains exactly what it was and more. I am so glad that things worked out for me to go. (I got a ticket 8 weeks before the conference)...
{Shed & Share Wednesdays} Nikki T.

{Shed & Share Wednesdays} Nikki T.

I am so excited about this new series, “Shed & Share Wednesdays”! You will be so motivated while reading these stories of these unbelievable women!! Let’s get to it. Meet Nikki T! ♥♥♥ {The Basics} Name: Nikki T Age: 33 Profession: I am a...
Your New Normal

Your New Normal

I may be young, but I’m not stupid. I realize that some of you are fighting an upstream battle. You are breaking old habits and making new ones. You are fighting the stereotypes that have been with you for years. This whole “health kick” has put a...