Today’s blog is a shout-out to my wonderful Pilates class! I’ve been teaching at a local university for the past 4 years and have had many of these students for the past 3.

They were a blessing to my Tuesday and Thursday evenings. We laughed, cried and worked our cores together!

The students in all my exercise classes are always more than just attendees. I truly care for each one of them as a person and college students are no different! They are refreshing to be around. They keep me young and they listen to all my stories. (I have a captive audience ya know!)

I had them over in February for a little pizza night. There’s two things college students will always take.

1.) Free food

2.) A chance to be in a “real” home.

You remember it well, don’t you?

Last Thursday was my last class for the year. I wanted to leave them with something special (to eat of course!) but to encourage their souls. So my son and I put together this Healthy Snack Mix. I think it went over well! They needed something to feed their brains while studying for exams!


Here’s a picture of a majority of my class for the year! Love you guys! Look forward to seeing some of you back next year and for those of you who have to leave me, “Keep the chest lifted, core strong and BREATHE!”