I am so excited at the participation this challenge is bringing! I thought I'd answer some common questions I keep seeing and also give you what you can do in preparation for Monday! ♥♥♥ Q: I signed up to get your emails. What else do I need to do to participate? A:...
{31.3 Jump} Now What?
We have hit the end of our January challenge, the 31.3 Jump! I'd like to thank all of you have participated--publically or privately. I've had many emails stating that the challenge was exactly what some of you needed. 1.) It's our last check-in! Finish strong! 2.)...
{31.3 Jump} Week 4- FINAL WEEK + The “J.Lo” #1 (Video)!
Well ladies. You've done it! We are in the final week of the {31.3 Jump}! 1.) Time to check-in! How did you do last week? 2.) I've got your printable this week and another video! This is my most requested exercise in my classes and even though the pain is great, the...
31.3 Jump: Week 3 *Rah Rah Rah* & Giveaway!
It's our mid-week update and week 3 of the {31.3 Jump}! Please be sure to check in online with how you did last week! ♥♥♥ Oh, I've got a special surprise for you today, ladies!!! I know that for many of you, reality has set in. It's week 3 and you've given up---or you...
{31.3 Jump} Week 3
Woot! We are on week 3! 1.) Time to check in! How did you do on week 2? Go to our online message board and spill it! LOL! 2.) Check out this week's printable! I have a video to go with it that will be helpful in understanding the exercises for the printable. I've had...
31.3 Jump (Week 2 Video)
"Don't let the impossibility of the ideal keep you from doing something constructive." {Gary Thomas, "Pure Pleasure"} Remember to check-in with how you did LAST week! Do you need to adjust some of your goals? Feel free to! This is YOUR plan! It's mid-week of week 2 of...