Holistic Liiving

Running the Race {part 2}

Running the Race {part 2}

(see part 1 here) Brad was starting a new journey. His life was forever rocked one evening. From that moment on, he was starting a new path. He was looking for support. For knowledge, wisdom and more time. Just a little more time. October 10th I felt so strongly that...

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Why me? Why now?

Why me? Why now?

I'm sure there are plenty of you out there who want to know why I have any business writing a fitness blog. Others may wonder why now? What triggered you? After all: I am a fitness instructor who eats candy and skips a workout I am a friend who gets jealous and...

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Why Peak 313

Wondering where I came up with Peak 313? Glad you asked. I did a brief survey of my aerobics students, asking them some of the phrases I used in classes. You know…to help  me define what I really say. Since “Get your booty down” wouldn’t be an appropriate blog name, I...

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A Clean Slate

A Clean Slate

What do you think it is that makes New Years Resolutions so enticing? What if we had May 18th resolutions? For some reason I don’t think half the people would be so anxious to have them! There’s something about being at the beginning of the year that make them what...

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