There’s no “New Move Monday” today because I have something very special for you!  It’s my first FREE printable!! It’s pretty self-explanatory but here I am in a short video below explaining.

(Click here if you can’t see video!)

I’ve also created (page 2) a candy reference guide. I’ve chosen some of the *hot* Halloween candy and included their nutritional info along with an activity needed to burn those calories. I’m hoping it will help you pause and think before you eat your 3rd Reese’s Cup of the day!! 🙂

Click below to get your 2 page  “Track Your Treats” journal and a candy reference guide. Remember–resources like these only work when they are being put to use!

*FREE Printable* Track Your Treats!!

(Here’s a sample of it!)

Fav Candy Treats & Activity Needed To Burn Them Off |

I’d love to get your feedback so please contact me with any questions or thoughts!!!


This post is linked to Works for me Wednesday and Women Living Well Wednesdays!